
Thursday 19 April 2012

Coffee Table Books

I may love my kindle to death but I still love a good coffee table book, especially fashion related ones some of them might be expensive but in my opinion they are worth it. 

Here are my current favourites:

 The Satorialist and Facehunter street style books and Luella Bartleys Guide to English Style take pride of place on top of my wardrobe. I get a lot of inspiration from street style blogs so it only makes sense to keep the books of two of the best known street-style bloggers above my wardrobe for those days when I'm really stuck on what to wear.

I found the top book in a charity shop for the grand sum of 99p, it's full of the lovest fashion templates from the 1st Century right up to the early 20th. 

Non fashion books now, although I did use the top two in my FMP collection in college and became highly interested in the human body and medicine, bit morbid for a fashion collection but it worked. 
The Banksy book is a must have for anyone interested in his work or street-art in general and the poems of Sylvia Plath are great to read whenever and whatever your mood.
Where The Wild Things Are was my favourite book as a child probably due to being cast as Max in my school play, so when my boyfriend brought this to my house I was overjoyed and I keep it close so I can have a read whenever I want.

What are your favourite coffee table books?

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